DrivingTests101 is the global leader in driving test prep questions and resources. We have over 30,000+ test-specific questions covering 11 countries, 93 states and 279 tests!
A driving test is a practical exam to determine a person’s ability to drive a car, which they must pass in order to get a driving license. There are two types of tests, which are common in most places in the world. The first test is a written driving test designed to determine a person’s knowledge of driving rules, signs and laws via typically a multiple choice test. The second test is a practical driving exam where a person drives with an evaluator who determines their ability to competently drive a vehicle.
A driver’s license is required in every country. In each respective country and state, the laws will specify the minimum age required to drive a vehicle. A person can receive their driver’s license by passing their driving test.
The core mission behind every driving course and driving test is to improve road safety and save lives. Each government transportation department was formed to develop public policy for road safety and the rules of the road. Road safety is a concern for everyone on the road. We strive to improve road safety. Join us to learn about responsible driving, driver etiquette and the rules of the road so you can not only pass your driving test, but be a safe driver.
No matter how much driving experience you have, it is always a good idea to refresh your knowledge. Below are common driving safety tips: